Thursday, December 22, 2005


3 days before christmas.. Hurrah hurrah. I'm feeling the inflation so no gifts for yer goddamn free loaders. I got to work my ass to have money. Damn it.. Goddamnit. Hahaha... I was fantasizing bout med school this morning. I ain't gonna suck. I'm gonna be this workaholic shit who works to death. Imma gonna be like Reese Whitherspoon's her character on this film entitled "Just Like Heaven." yahaha. I'm sorry y'all i'm acting like a crazy red neck biatch. This is what you get when you deprive me of fucken sleep and some dough. Ya know what i'm sayin? Damn it. I gots so many things to do. Like this assignment my mom and my brother's imposing me to do. Gaahd. I really hate work. Work sux big time. But we need to work for us to go somewhere else. Yo. Imma leavin to go to QC. Fucken seaweeds need some care from me. Later!

I hope all my fucken efforts will pay-off. I really wanna to go to some shitty convention either in Japan or in Malaysia. We'll gonna present our thesis there, so those goddamn seaweeds need to shed off their fucken cell walls for us to have some protoplast. Ya know what i'm sayin? Hell. I sound like someone who tried drugs for the first time. I'm fine really. Just need sleep and coffee.

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