Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Haha.. My past life!!!

You were Java Shava. You were a Brazilian woman
from the 1600's who was a renouned painter in
your village. The emperor of China was visiting
and he liked your work so much, he offered to
make you rich if you moved to China and painted
stuff for him. You didn't really like Brazil
that much, so you moved to China and soon you
were painting the emperor many times over. You
got tired of painting the emperor and his big
royal house and asked to leave. The emperor was
furious and sentanced you to death. You fell in
love with the gaurd who was looking after your
cell, and the two of you escaped together. You
moved to America and you began painting again,
including doing portraits for money. Your
boyfriend hated America and spat on the ground.
The only job he could get was digging graves.
He tried not to make a big fuss about it, and
you thought it was no big deal. Then one day
you were in the shop you'd set up to sell
portraits and paintings of people's houses, and
the emperor of China walked in. You ducked
behind the counter quickly but the emperor
looked at your paintings and recognized your
style. Your boyfriend came out and the emperor
was furious with him. He said your boyfriend
could live if he told the emperor where you
were, and your boyfriend pointed behind the
counter. You were once again taken to be put to
your death. The townspeople were so upset to
hear the news that they grabbed the emperor,
his men and your boyfriend and tied them up.
They missed their boat home and were forced to
stay in the village forever, where they became
workers who had to clean up after everybody.
You were sentanced to death again 10 years
later for supposedly stabbing your
ex-boyfriend, but really it had been the
emperor who did it. You were let off the hook
when the townspeople went crazy for your
release. You continued doing your much loved
paintings untill your death at age 100.

Who Were You In A Past Life?
brought to you by Quizilla

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